Equipment Description
MET Lab - Email Managers  (36 Equipment records) 
  No Image Found 1100 C Tube Furnace 1100 C max temp
  No Image Found Automatic Grinding Machine Manual/automatic grinding machine
  No Image Found Automatic Hardness Tester Vickers hardness tester with motorized stage.
  No Image Found Automatic Mortar/Pestle Automatic mortar and pestle. Agate bowl.
  No Image Found Carver Hot Press Hot Uniaxial Press
  No Image Found Carver Press Uniaxial Press
  No Image Found Cold Mounting Station Area for encapsulation of specimens in epoxy for subsequent grinding/polishing. Epoxy resin, molds, specimen stands, etc. supplied.
  No Image Found Electrolytic Polisher/Etcher Electrolytic Polisher/Etcher. Currently cannot use etchants containing perchloric acid.
  No Image Found Hadur - Vacuum Pressing Furance This machine is designed for making dense compound materials under both vacuum and high pressure up to 2 metric tons.  It is integrated with a split vertical tube furnace with a vacuum-sealed 4" quartz tube and  2000Kg digital electric press, as well as one set of 0.5" ID  graphite pressing dies. The furnace can be heated up to 1000 C using a temperature controller with 30 programmable segments. Water-cooled flanges facilitate a vacuum with a mechanical pump.
  No Image Found Hardness Tester (8-102, Older Unit) Vickers/Knoop microhardness tester
  No Image Found Hardness Tester (Newer Unit)  
  No Image Found Helios - 1800 C Tube Furnace High temperature tube furnace (1800 C max temp) for inert and oxidizing atmospheres.
  No Image Found High Energy Ball Mill Users must provide their own jar(s).
  No Image Found High Speed Saw Precision Diamond Saw
  No Image Found Instron (150kN Unit) 150 kN capacity
  No Image Found Instron (5kN Unit) 5 kN capacity
  No Image Found Large Box Furnace (1000 C) 1000 C Max temp
  No Image Found Large Box Furnace (1200 C) 1200 C Max Temp
  No Image Found Large Box Furnace (1500 C) Box Furnace (1500 C Max Temp)
  No Image Found Low Speed Saw Precision Diamond Saw
  No Image Found Manual Grinding Machine Manual grinder/polisher
  No Image Found Mounting Machine (Buehler Unit, 1.25 in. puck) Hot mounting machine (1.25 in. pucks)
  No Image Found Mounting Machine (Struers Unit, 1.5 in. puck) Hot mounting machine (1.5 in. pucks)
  No Image Found Nikon MA200 Microscope Inverted metallurgical microscope. 50-2000x
  No Image Found Olympus BH2 Microscope Microscope
  No Image Found Oxy-Hydrogen Torch/Quartz ampoule encapsulation Bench for making quartz ampoules. Torch, tools, and quartz stock supplied.
  No Image Found Polishing Machine Polishing machine
  No Image Found Polishing Machine (With Dosing Pump) Polishing machine with dosing pump
  No Image Found Refund  
  No Image Found Rolling Ball Mill Users must provide their own jar(s).
  No Image Found Small Box Furnace (1100 C) Box Furnace (1100 C Max Temp)
  No Image Found Spark OES Stationary spark optical emission spectrometer (spark-OES). Used for bulk composition measurement of Fe, Al, Cu, Ti, Co, and Ni alloys.
  No Image Found Swab/Immersion Etching Area Currently cannot use etchants containing perchloric acid.
  No Image Found Vibratory Polisher Vibratory polisher geared toward preparation of EBSD/ECCI quality surfaces. Excellent for soft metals, composites, and delicate specimens. Additional specimen holders enable TEM sample prethinning and fine material removal for fabrication.
  No Image Found Vickers/Knoop Hardness Tester Vickers/Knoop microhardness tester
  No Image Found Vulcan - Hydrogen Tube Furnace 1600 C max temp. Built for running in a hydrogen or forming gas (Ar+H2 mix) environment.

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